Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentines Day

Hello Everybody!!YY

Welcome to my 3rd Post. I'm so glad that you are all reading my ridiculously long and boring posts. I feel so loved. Thank you to all of you that gave me valentines!! I wuv you all! and those of you that didn't, just not quite as much..haha, no not really.

For all of my French Peoples...::

Je t'aime!! Ayez le jour d'un Valentine heureux! Je suis si heureux que vous puissiez lire ce poteau, haha, je suis sûr que la plupart des personnes ne peuvent pas. C'CEst UNE LANGUE IMPRESSIONNANTE!! Woohooo!!!

For all of my German Peoples...::
Ich liebe dich!! Haben Sie den Tag eines glücklichen Valentines! Ich bin, daß Sie diesen Pfosten lesen können, Haha so froh, ich bin sicher, daß die meisten Leute nicht können. DIESES IST EINE EHRFÜRCHTIGE SPRACHE!! Woohooo!!!

For all of my Spanish Peoples...::
¡Te amo!! ¡Tenga día de un Valentine feliz! Estoy tan alegre que usted puede leer este poste, Haha, yo soy seguro que no puede la mayoría de la gente. ¡cEsto ES UNA LENGUA IMPRESIONANTE!! ¡Woohooo!!!

For all of my Portuguese Peoples...::
Eu te amo!! Tenha o dia de um Valentine feliz! Eu estou assim contente que você pode ler este borne, haha, mim sou certo que a maioria de povos não podem. ESTA É UMA LÍNGUA AWESOME!! Woohooo!!!

For all of my Italian Peoples...:
Ti amo!! Abbia giorno del Valentine felice! Sono così felice che possiate leggere questo alberino, haha, io sono sicuro che la maggior parte della gente non può. CIÒ È UNA LINGUA IMPRESSIONANTE!! Woohooo!!!

Okay, okay, thats it,haha
i hope you guys could read some of it, because otherwise there really was no point in doing that. I just found another really cute picture of Pig, (above) so yeah, its cute..

Okay i'm gonna go do something more productive now.

Sending My Love,